Michelle Murray's Blog

Navigating Deals and Partnerships in Business

Navigating deals and partnerships is a crucial aspect of business strategy that requires careful planning, negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of the dynamics involved. Successfully forging and managing deals and partnerships can lead to strategic advantages,...

Lessons in Effective Business Management

Effective business management is a cornerstone of success in the dynamic and competitive world of commerce. Whether leading a small startup or overseeing a large corporation, effective business management principles remain integral to achieving organizational goals,...

Insights from Visionary Leaders in Business

Visionary business leaders are the driving force behind innovation, growth, and sustainable success. Their ability to see beyond the immediate challenges, anticipate trends, and inspire their teams sets them apart. Extracting insights from the practices and...

Navigating the Path to Entrepreneurial Success

Navigating the entrepreneurial success journey is fraught with challenges, risks, and uncertainties. It requires a unique blend of vision, resilience, and strategic decision-making. Successful entrepreneurs often share common traits and strategies that propel them...

Sports Lessons That Translates into Entrepreneurship

It's hard to keep up with the endless number of sports analogies business experts use to describe complicated concepts. The similarities between the two are undeniable, and it's no surprise that entrepreneurs and business leaders constantly learn new things from the...

Habits Every Team Should Implement

Even with the number of people you have, it can be hard to lead a team. Miscommunication can occur when different individuals are grouped, affecting the workplace's productivity. However, by maintaining a bit of tact, you can get your team to work harder and reach its...

Things To Think About Before Getting A Business Partner

As an entrepreneur, you take on a huge risk by starting a business: the decisions, capital, and responsibilities of running a company rest on your shoulders. There are times when you may want to partner with someone else. Whether you're just starting or already...